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Price: 97 USD
Timeframe: M15
Currency pairs: EURUSD
Broker name: Forex4you
You don't need to be a computer need or a forex expert for getting the most profits from it...
All-In-All,This Advisor Will…
Help you generate stable profit every month without making loss
Help you find out what days are best for trading so you won’t waste your time trading on one of these days when the market is flat and goes sideways.
Help you stay in the trade as long as possible to get maximum profits using special automated trailing stop function
"My team worked very hard on it for about a year and the results are really impressive.I'm sure that this professional oftware will become one of your favorites on the market and will turn out to be your great helper in boosting your profits!"
This is a product of years of research in to developing a perfect trading strategy that is safe, robust and profitable at the same time
Hi-Tech Trader price swings between Support/Resistances + Indicator analysis + individual mathematical calculations every day.
Really unique trade algorithm.
Without the fixed TP AND SL. The adviser himself solves when to close and open transactions. Analyzing the market every day, each hour.
Hi-Tech Trader is a fully automated Forex EA. It’s easy to install and once setup you don’t need to do anything. It runs while you are away.
Hi-Tech Trader will work on any account size. I do however recommend a minimum account balance of 100USD-200USD.
Broker name: Forex4you
Happy Japanese Market Happy Japanese Market scan the market all day in search of the right one trading input for pair USDJPY in accordance with the indicators methodology. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth. The EA is compatible with any broker and has no limitations on the types of accounts used. Happy Japanese Market Features: Supports ECN brokers and FIFO rule Autodetection of 4 or 5 digit quotes 100% automated Easy to install Compatibility with any broker...Check it now!
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