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Price: 255 USD
Timeframe: H1
Money Back Guarantee
Broker name: USGFX
ForexBot28 trades on over 28 currency pairs and that is its hallmark among many other EAs. It works reliably and stably on all possible currency pairs and proves this by trading on a real account for almost 3 years! Our ForexBot28 uses neural networks that help it to achieve such impressive results. Due to its unprecedented work on any currency pair, the EA trades continuously and has many orders in the Market. This ensures regular profits, and excludes periods of low activity of the system that experience many other EAs.
ForexBot28 has the next minimum deposit requirements:
- Conservative mode $10000 ($1000 for micro and $100 for cent accounts)
- Normal mode $5000 ($500 for micro and $50 for cent accounts)
- Aggressive mode $3500 ($350 for micro and $35 for cent accounts)
The set includes:
- 1 lifetime license
- User Manual
- Free updates
- 24/7 friendly support
Broker name: USGFX
Happy Neuron MT4/MT5 Review EA Strategy info: Happy Neuron is a expert advisor that trades on over 25 currency pairs. Contains several modules based on recurrent neural networks in order to determine market sentiment analysis with news filter. As a result EA makes continuous profits and a constant number of trades. Happy Neuron Features Supports ECN brokers and FIFO rule Autodetection of 4 or 5 digit quotes. 100% automated Easy to install Compatibility with any broker...Check it now!
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