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Price: 149 USD
Timeframe: M5
Currency pairs: GBPUSD, EURUSD
Money Back Guarantee
Broker name: FortFS
Works with EURUSD and GBPUSD currency pairs on 5 minute time frame.
Lot 0,05 and 0,50 !!
Broker name: FortFS
Happy Breakout Review The expert advisor uses the strategy based on the breakdown of the most important support and resistance levels. Is optimized using real ticks with 99.90% model quality. Uses fixed stop loss and trailing stop of profitable trades in its operation. Happy Breakout Features Supports ECN brokers. Autodetection of 4 or 5 digit quotes. 100% automated No grid No hedging No arbitrage No martingale Recommendations Before using on a live...Check it now!
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