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Flex EA Review


Price: 0 USD

Timeframe: M5

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Broker name: IC Markets

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Flex EA Review - "H1 Default TDI + Dynamic all Charts" Test Result

Flex EA uses a newly developed innovative technology involving “virtual trades”. Simply put, Flex will open virtual trades in the background, using them to constantly monitor the market to help determine the absolute perfect entry point, at which point Flex will start opening and managing real trades automatically.

No automated system out there can work long-term without consistently updated settings. Flex features an automatic update system, so you can be sure your copy is always up to date with the latest, best performing settings for the current market conditions. Yet another new innovative feature we’re bringing to the table.

Simplicity Ready to go out of the box settings, simply plug and play. It’s literally a matter of attaching it to a chart, selecting the strategy you want to use from a drop-down list and clicking OK, that’s it!
Works best on (GBPUSD, USDJPY, USDCAD, USDCHF, EURUSD, AUDUSD, EURJPY, EURCHF, EURGBP, NZDUSD) but can be traded on virtually any charts. There are a few pairs we recommend avoiding in the setup guide.

Optimized set files, Don’t be overwhelmed by the hundreds of unique settings available in Flex. Our highly optimized set files take the built in strategies a step further so you don’t have to spend your precious time tweaking. Download a .set from your members area, load it into Flex (as simple as clicking File -> Open) and done! Your Flex will now load all the appropriate settings from that .set file. Not only are there highly optimized .set files from our team, but also some very strong performers shared by many forum members with lots of discussion and help provided.

Key Features

Money Management – Adjusts lot sizes based on account balance automatically, even as it grows.

News Filter – Avoid any and all high impact news events by ‘xx’ number of minutes. Highly configurable you can either turn it off or avoid news for as many minutes/hours before/after as you want.

Equity Trailing TP – One of the core take profit methods of Flex EA. This doesn’t require a physical pip based TP on each trade, instead it follows all trades from each pair in a “basket”, and when one basket reaches a pre-defined percentage, it will trigger this EquityTrailTP to start, locking in half the profit and it will begin trailing it up with the potential of making a lot more than you would imagine, while maintaining the safe guard of never losing once the TP is locked in. This is a very powerful feature that some customers will buy just to manually trade and have this feature alone control their take profits.

DD Stoploss – A fail safe, set a percentage of your account balance to close all trades at a certain drawdown percentage in a worst case scenario.

Session Filters – Decide if you want to trade 24/5, or avoid certain sessions like Asian, New York, or London.

Indicators – EMA crosses, TDI, Support & Resistance, Bollinger Bands, ADR, Stochastic, RSi, Candle sizes, Momentum, and more. All of these indicators can be independently toggled on/off and configured highly.

Indicator Closures – Close trades based on indicator configurations, want to close at an EMA cross? No problem. Close when RSi reaches a certain level? and much more!

Time filters – Avoid certain times of the day or certain weekdays.

Hedging – Turned off by default but available with many configuration options at your finger tips. This is not used by a lot of strategy/set files as not all brokers allow hedging, but it is available in Flex for those who want it.

Hide from broker – Don’t want your broker knowing how you trade, use this feature.

Currency filters – This will limit your exposure to specific currencies. For example it will limit that max number of USD pairs to be able to trade at the same time to 2 by default, but this can be changed to whatever you want.

Much much more – These are just “some” of the key features of Flex EA to give you an idea of what will be at your finger tips behind the scenes here.

 Another important recommendation is the right choice of broker. We all want the best conditions for trading, but we often open trading accounts in bad companies. If you want the best trading conditions – then work with the Australian broker ICMarkets (large leverage - 1:500, minimum deal - 0.01, minimum deposit - 200 EUR, USD, GBP, AUD, NZD, CAD …, minimal spreads and super-fast execution of trading orders). Me and all my friends trade with this broker! Because it is the best and most comfortable broker in the world!

Broker name: IC Markets

Fxblue Flex EA
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Equity Graph
Flex EA Fxblue
Monthly Return Table (Profit / Month %)

Flex EA Review - "H1 Default TDI + Dynamic all Charts" Test Result Flex EA uses a newly developed innovative technology involving “virtual trades”. Simply put, Flex will open virtual trades in the background, using them to constantly monitor the market to help determine the absolute...
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EA'S TOP 3 Live Account
Happy News

Flex EA Fxblue Result Chart

Live Account  

Price:  489,30 EUR
Monthly gain :  31.93%
Running Time (day):  350 day
Start:  1000
Balance:  27084
Floating P/L:  0.00

 Forex Robot for Sale  

Forex Gump EA

Flex EA Fxblue Result Chart

Live Account  

Price:  199 Euro
Monthly gain :  9.19%
Running Time (day):  605 day
Start:  12000
Balance:  34658
Floating P/L:  -7890.78

 Forex Robot for Sale  

FX Eternals EA

Flex EA Fxblue Result Chart

Live Account  

Price:  99 USD
Monthly gain :  9.00%
Running Time (day):  1170 day
Start:  58000
Balance:  61843
Floating P/L:  -12.49

 Forex Robot for Sale  


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Flex EA
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3 https://best-forex-trading-robots.com/robotkepek/forex-robot-flex-ea-v4-95i-1.jpg
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