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Price: 129 USD
Timeframe: M30
Currency pairs: USDCHF, GBPUSD, EURUSD
Money Back Guarantee
Broker name: FortFS
As a forex trader who is tired of losing to the brokers, you need the Exreign Forex EA as it is technically irreplaceable. It is your treasure to a world of successful forex trading adventure.
The Exreign Forex EA minimizes the responsibility for decision-making, thus making your trades less stressful.You do not require having in-depth knowledge of technical & fundamental analysis, as every calculation is already built-in within the system.In addition, the expert advisor has full capacity to handle & manage the trading signals even when you are absent from the workplace or trade portal."
The FX Robot has a very high win rate on EURUSD, GBPUSD and USDCHF pairs using 30 minute time frame.
Broker name: FortFS
Broker name: FortFS
Happy Neuron MT4/MT5 Review EA Strategy info: Happy Neuron is a expert advisor that trades on over 25 currency pairs. Contains several modules based on recurrent neural networks in order to determine market sentiment analysis with news filter. As a result EA makes continuous profits and a constant number of trades. Happy Neuron Features Supports ECN brokers and FIFO rule Autodetection of 4 or 5 digit quotes. 100% automated Easy to install Compatibility with any broker...Check it now!
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