Login for registered users
The site can use some of its services only to registered users.
The registration does not entail an obligation to pay
Registration for new users
If you developed an Expert Advisor, we would be happy to add it to our website for performance testing
1.The system must be commerically (or freely) available. We do not test EAs that are still in development or unavailable.
2.It must be compatible with the Metatrader 4 platform.
3.It must be a fully automated strategy. No indicators or manual discretion required.
4.No manual intervention (ie: turning it on or off at certain times of the day). If the EA does need rare intervention, we must be subscribed to your mailing list so we are notified when the situation arises.
5.Yes "investor" access testing.
(Send me: broker name (and server number) - account number - investor pasw)
We need a demo copy of the actual robot so we can run the Expert Advisor and experience the results ourselves. Only in this way can we verify the results that an average customer would expect to receive.
Send me: FXBlue link!
To submit your EA, please send us an email. Be sure to include FULL download instructions for the EA and the user guide. If the user guide does not have a default/recommended lot size or risk setting to use, please tell us what people normally use.
Other Conditions:
Commission percent minimum: 30% - Max:80%
EA Robot Price minimum : $70 - Max: $1000
Affiliate partner:
Please send me:
- EA Robot web site link
- FX Robot logo. JPG File
- PDF (Install...)
- FXBlue link ! or Ex4 (and dll file) and setting file.
- Affiliate partner name (Click2sell or Clickbank..)
- FXBlue and Myfxbook link and info: Broker name - ECN or Not ECN account - Leverage - Live or Demo
- Descreption (adversting)
- 120x600 jpg ( robot logo + adversting)
- 250x250 jpg (robot logo)